
The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it. 

Proverbs: 10:22

Doors closed!

Does this sound familiar?

You’ve been faithful.
But you are struggling when you're supposed to be walking in the blessing and favor of God.

Waking up each day with a deep sense of peace, knowing your business is overflowing with God’s abundance.


Your business running smoothly, practically on autopilot, giving you the freedom to spend precious time with your family.
Finally walking in full alignment with God’s word and experiencing the true joy that comes from living a life of purpose.
Selling real estate not just for a paycheck, but as a means to step boldly into God’s purpose for your life.

Living a life of radical generosity—tithing, giving, and pouring into others without hesitation.

Building a real estate portfolio that earns six figures in passive income, creating true financial freedom.

You believe in God’s provision, yet your finances don’t reflect the abundance He’s promised.

You’re stuck in a cycle of anxiety, hustling endlessly, and working yourself to exhaustion for every closing.

You feel a deep calling to spend more time with your family, but financial pressures are holding you captive.

Your heart is full of a desire to give generously, but the resources simply aren’t there.

You feel torn between the weight of financial burdens and the life God is calling you to live.

It's time to walk in shameless audacity

"... yet because of your shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you need,"
Luke 11:8

Weekly Live Coaching Sessions: Over 12 weeks, join me for 90-minute live sessions where I’ll personally guide you through each step of building your business and faith, helping you implement proven strategies. See the full module breakdown below. ($9,000 value)

Additional Q&A Calls: Each week, we’ll have a dedicated 30-minute session to get all your questions answered, keep you on track, and provide the accountability you need to ensure your success. ($3,000 value)

Private Community Access:
Join a vibrant network of other like-minded agents who are on the same journey. Build relationships, share referrals, and grow together. ($500 value)

Done-For-You Scripts, Presentations, and Templates: No more guesswork—everything you need to look professional and close deals is ready for you to plug-and-play. From lead generation to marketing materials, it’s all laid out for you. ($10,000 value)

Branded Marketing Materials: Stand out with beautifully designed postcards, flyers, mailers, and PDFs—everything with a cohesive, elevated look.

Monthly Database Touch System: Stay top-of-mind with done-for-you, seasonally curated pop-bys, events, and more to nurture your client base.

Conversation Frameworks: Master buyer, seller, lead generation, and objection-handling conversations with ease, including commission and NAR updates.

Listing Presentation PDF & Tutorial Video: A complete guide to presenting with confidence.

Buyer Presentation PDF & Tutorial Video: Master the buyer-side process with ease.

Investment Analyzer Spreadsheet: Evaluate potential deals quickly and effectively.

Lead Generation Playbook: 100 proven ideas to generate leads for your niche.

Daily Millionaire Agent Activities: Stay accountable with the exact daily activities successful agents use to hit six figures and beyond.

Faith Confession Recordings: Bible verses to declare and build your faith as you build your business.

Exclusive Workbook: ChatGPT Sales Secrets—Unlock the power of AI to take your sales and marketing to the next level.

A 12-week faith-fueled journey for real estate agents to go from burdened to blessed.

thrive with purpose & peace


Here's what you'll get:

Master Your Niche
Discover exactly how to niche down and identify who your ideal clients are. You’ll learn how to position yourself as the go-to expert in your niche, making it easier to attract and convert leads.

Lead Generation Strategy
Develop a tailored lead generation plan based on your specific niche. Understand the best strategies to consistently generate high-quality leads, both online and offline, to keep your pipeline full regardless of market conditions.

Listing Mastery
Gain the tools and confidence to win more listings and provide exceptional service to your clients. From pre-listing preparation to staging and marketing, you’ll know exactly how to deliver top-notch results.

Buyer Conversion System
Learn how to effectively serve buyers from initial consultation to closing, ensuring they have a smooth experience. You’ll master the art of turning prospects into loyal clients while maximizing your commissions.

Agent Financials
Understand the financial side of your business, including tithing, setting up an LLC, paying yourself, and managing your taxes. You’ll gain clarity on how to manage your money wisely and ensure you’re set up for long-term success.

Real Estate Investing
Whether you’re representing investors or building your own portfolio, you’ll learn how to evaluate deals, assess investment opportunities, and create wealth through real estate investing.

How to Spend Time with God
Deepen your relationship with the Lord by learning how to truly connect with Him in your daily quiet time. You’ll explore what to do during this sacred time and how it will empower you to walk confidently in your calling. (Matthew 6:6)

Language of Faith - Part 1
Understand the power of your words through biblical principles of blessing and cursing. Learn how to pray effectively, speak life over your business, and align your language with the Word of God. (Proverbs 18:21)

Language of Faith - Part 2
Continue building on your faith foundation by diving deeper into prayer and declarations. You’ll learn to pray the Word of God with confidence and authority, shaping your reality with faith-filled words. (Mark 11:24)

Eyes Are the Lamp to the Soul
Examine what you’re consuming on a daily basis and its impact on your spiritual and business life. You’ll learn to filter out distractions and focus on content that builds your faith and strengthens your mindset. (Matthew 6:22)

God’s Plan for Your Prosperity
Discover God’s design for financial abundance and how tithing, giving, and faith are central to unlocking His blessings over your life and business. (Malachi 3:10)

Staying Close to the Fire
Learn the importance of surrounding yourself with faith-filled, like-minded individuals who uplift and challenge you. You’ll understand why community is essential to sustaining your spiritual growth and business success. (Proverbs 27:17)

The Modules Breakdown

6 Modules to build your business

6 Modules to build your faith

As a new agent, I was overwhelmed, working long hours just to make ends meet. Financial strain, sleepless nights, and the constant fear of failing were my reality. The turning point came  I gave my life to Jesus Christ. This decision changed everything. My business went from feeling heavy and burdensome to prosperous and easy. Today, I have surpassed $1 million dollars in commissions while working part time hours (I'm serious!)
Matthew 6:33 came true for me and my family. "Seek first the Kingdom of God and ALL these things shall be added to you." Jesus gave us a promise when He said,  "my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

I now help Jesus-loving (and Jesus curious) real estate agents to grow closer to God and walk in the abundant life He gives to us!

God has plans to prosper you. It would be my honor to help you walk out the plans He has for you and your family.

I’m here to guide you along this path to financial freedom with my step-by-step guide to your six figure real estate business.

I'm Natalie
$100+ million in investment real estate sales

Let the numbers speak for themselves

Coached hundreds of business owners
CEO + Owner of a $4.7 million organization
Top national REAL ESTATE sales coach 
CEO of a 40+ person company
Idaho's Accomplished Under 40 awardee

Over 12 weeks, we will cover:

You’re no longer willing to let fear hold you back. You're ready to step into the 2 timothy 1:7 version of yourself.


You’re humble, coachable and open to making changes that will impact your finances and schedule for the better.


You’re determined to walk in freedom from money-mindset baggage + impact your family for generations. 


You are driven and are on a mission to fund the god-given dream in your heart.


You’re a dedicated real estate agent looking to work more efficiently & make more money.


Real Estate Riches Academy is for you if…

Imagine stepping into a real estate business where peace, abundance, and purpose are not just aspirations but your daily reality.

This is not just another course—it’s a transformation rooted in faith and action. You’ll gain access to live coaching, proven frameworks, and all the tools you need to thrive, not just financially, but spiritually.

If you’re ready to finally align your business with God’s promises, it’s time to invest in the life He’s calling you to live.

The total investment for this life-changing journey is:
Up front payment: $3,250
Payment plan(3x): $1,100

The investment:

Real estate riches Academy is for those ready to boldly step into the call of god for their lives.

Are you one of them?

The Guarantee:

Our 30-Day Conditional Money-Back Guarantee

We’re confident that Real Estate Riches Academy will transform your business and your life.That’s why we offer a 30-day conditional money-back guarantee.

If you commit fully by attending all sessions, completing all homework, and applying the teachings for the first 30 days, and you’re still not satisfied with the results, we’ll refund your investment.

We’re here to see you succeed, and if you don’t see the impact, we’ll honor your commitment by offering your money back.

"Now unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that I ask or think, according to the power that works in me."

Ephesians 3:20